MAGNET Modeler: How to use the Material Library

This article explains how to use and create new materials using the MAGNET Modeler Material Library.

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MAGNET Modeler: How to use the Material Library

Materials are the core of MAGNET Modeler. Every rule uses one or multiple materials/textures to define the looks of the virtual model elements. Material/texture is based on an image format such as *.TIF, *.PNG, or *.JPEG.

MAGNET Modeler ships with an extensive default Material Library including:

  • Colors
  • Surface materials
  • Building facades
  • Vegetation
  • Signs
  • Miscellaneous

Whenever you create a rule and want to assign a material, the Material Library opens and provides access to one or multiple materials.

There are two options to create a new material in MAGNET Modeler: 

  • Creating new material in the Modeler Rules window
  • Creating new material by using the Material Library window

Creating new material in the Modeler Rules window

You create a material upfront, and create a rule/assign the material afterwards.

  1. Double-click Materials in the Modeler Rules window.
  2. Specify the material attributes in the Change setting window.

Creating new material by using the Material Library window

  1. Click materials in any rule's Change setting window.
  1. Click Insert New material... in the Material Library.

Material attributes

  1. Specify the material attributes in the Change setting window.

•  Name

Define a name for the new material. This name will show up in the Material Library.

•  Filename

Click filename to browse to the image file stored on your computer.

•  Description

Enter a description for the new material. This will change the name of the material within the Modeler Rules window.

•  Defaultwidth

Defaultwidth controls the default width of the texture in drawing units.

•  Defaultheight

Defaultheight controls the default height of the texture in drawing units.

•  Ambient

Ambient is a surface color where no direct sunlight is hit, also called shadow side color. This is generally the same as diffuse.

•  Emission

Color that is multiplied with other colors. Generally, the value will be 0,0,0. Emission can be used to make a fluorescent effect.

•  Diffuse

Diffuse is a surface color where direct sunlight hits. This is the most dominant color.

•  Specular

Specular defines the intensity and color of specular highlight effects. If the material does not shine (most cases), leave this as 0 (black).

•  Shininess

Shininess means scope of the highlight of the material, and the value can be set between 0 and 1.

•  Transparency

Transparency of the material, and the value can be set between 0 and 1.

•  Reflective

  • Yes = Material reflects its surroundings.
  • No = Material does not reflect its surroundings.

•  Physics_friction

The friction coefficient is used in the simulate car physics mode for the surface material friction calculation. It can range from 0 to 1, where 0 equals no friction, and 1 equals full friction.