GEO Business & DCW Bulletin: Now that the dust has settled

GEO Business & DCW Bulletin: Now that the dust has settled

We had a busy couple of days at GEO Business and Digital Construction Week recently, demonstrating some of our innovative technologies, as well as leading the conversation on the future of the geospatial and construction industry. Here’s a look at what we got up to.  

The hustle and bustle  

The Topcon stand was a hive of activity, with customers coming and going to see our geospatial solutions in action and discover how they can make a difference on projects. We also had our very own Topcon barista, to keep everyone refreshed as they visited the stand! 

Our solutions are best demonstrated in person, so customers can see the advantages and get their hands on the equipment, so this was the perfect setting to do just that.  

One of the most popular technologies was the LN-150 – our one-touch layout tool that can take you from paper plans and tape measures to a digital workflow. This layout navigator allows customers to conduct construction layout and verification processes easily and quickly, boosting productivity and efficiency at a fraction of the cost of employing a survey team. It was great to see visitors discover how this easy-to-learn and easy-to-use tool could help their business without a huge overhaul of their operations, busting the myth that digital is only for industry big-hitters.  

We were also busy demonstrating our Hybrid Positioning system – a combination of GNSS and optical robotic measurement technology that gives contractors the best of both worlds. The system features a lightweight GNSS receiver on the prism, which allows it to reacquire targets even in the most challenging conditions, and a hybrid switch for moving between GNSS positioning and optical measurements.  

Talking points  

As well as demonstrations on the stand, Topcon co-sponsored the Innovation Stage at the Digital Construction Week event and hosted various sessions on the stages throughout that and GEO Business, tackling some of the biggest questions facing the industry and exploring how Topcon technology can help answer them. 

Scott Langbein, Global Director of Business Development, presented the connection of applications used in the entire construction lifecycle as the foundation for full automation and discussed where we are today and what the future looks like; and Senior Product Manager, Andy Evans, explained how integrated platforms can connect the thousands of different data points we collect during the course of a project and supply them to the right stakeholders at the right time.  

Getting things built safely is as important as getting them built on time and on budget, and that was the subject of Business Development Manager Paul Challis’s talk on automating structural monitoring. Solutions like Topcon’s Delta monitoring technology combines cutting-edge hardware and software to keep a watchful eye on active worksites and the surrounding infrastructure to keep workers and the local community safe, as well as flagging any changes as soon as they occur. Automating this process frees up survey teams for higher level work and construction managers to keep their projects moving forwards.  

Other topics of conversation included a panel from Senior Manager for Emerging Business Tarja Musch on the ‘Future of technology and the impact on the geospatial profession’ and another session from Andy asking, ‘What has building things right ever done for us?’ 

Don’t worry if you missed any of these sessions – we’ll be posting blogs where you can get the lowdown of everything that went on.  

That’s it for another successful GEO Business and Digital Construction Week – get in touch if you’ve got any questions about the solutions we exhibited.  


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