• Operator survey reveals over a third have never used machine control technology
  • Of those using the technology, 91 per cent believe it improves their productivity
  • Of those never having used it, 73 per cent believe it would improve their work


Machine control technology isn’t being used to its full potential, according to a recent survey of almost 200 operators[1] across the construction industry.

The survey, undertaken by Topcon GB and Ireland, shows over a third (35 per cent) of respondents have never used machine control technology in the workplace, meaning they are missing out on the benefits of this industry-leading technology.

The operators that have used machine control technology are already seeing a clear improvement in their working practice. 90 per cent of these respondents believe it is having a positive effect on their work and 91 per cent also think their productivity has increased as a result of utilising it on site.

The findings also highlighted the extent to which operators across the industry know the benefits of using machine control. Of those not having used the technology, almost four out of every five respondents stated they would like to use it, with 73 per cent believing it would have a positive effect on their work, and three quarters of respondents think they would be more productive as a result of using it.

Machine Control uses GPS data and 3D modelling to give the driver a view of the machine’s cutting edge in relation to the final plans. This means operators are not relying on human judgement – which has a huge impact on the productivity, safety, cost and waste produced when working.

The survey made clear how easy it is for operators to use machine control – requiring only a few hours of training to be able to use it. Of those that use the technology on site, 69 per cent were fully trained to use it within three hours of specialist training, the overwhelming majority of which was delivered in-cab.

Responding to the results of the survey, Andrew McCann, machine control business development manager, Topcon GB & Ireland explained: “Over a third of the industry is facing a clear missed opportunity when it comes to machine control – and we feel the survey only scratches the surface when accounting for those that are missing out.

“Considering the huge benefits of machine control, those in the sector still waiting to use it should look forward to new, smarter ways of working. Machine control is allowing operators to increase productivity and become more efficient on site – and is just a morning’s worth of training away for those who have never used it.

“Contractors should listen to the views of operators across the industry and look at machine control as the way forward to improve efficiency and productivity on projects.”


[1] Topcon GB & Ireland surveyed 196 operators between 24th June and 17th July 2016

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