MAGNET Live: Workflow from MAGNET Office to Live [VIDEO]

Learn how to transform a model from MAGNET Office to Live.

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MAGNET Live: Workflow from MAGNET Office to Live [VIDEO]

This workflow includes the following software products:

  • MAGNET Office
  • MAGNET Modeler
  • MAGNET Explorer
  • MAGNET Live

In order to proceed with the task of converting a model from MAGNET Office to MAGNET Live, you can take the following steps:

  1. Open a MAGNET Office Project file, for example, a drawing *.mjo file.


  1. Go to Modeler > Rules. (If you get a notification, select Replace.)
  1. Change layer settings (if necessary). Click Save Configuration.
  2. Click Generate and View Model to open the model in MAGNET Explorer. Explorer starts automatically.
  1. After checking the sub-models, navigate to Output > Publish to Magnet Live.
  1. MAGNET Live opens automatically. After that, you can browse and click for the model you want to open.
  1. Create a topic or write comments for an existing topic.