MAVinci Desktop: Manually adding Mapbox layers

This guide covers how to create and import a Mapbox layer into MAVinci Desktop manually.

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MAVinci Desktop: Manually adding Mapbox layers

Creating Mapbox tilesets

Sign into or create a Mapbox account, which is free from

Once the account is created and you are logged in, from the main dashboad of your account, press your icon profile, top right, and select Studio.

The default display will show Styles. This needs to be changed to Tilesets.

It should be possible to use one of the default tilesets already available, or you can create your own.

Press the  icon to the right of the Tileset.

You will need the Tileset ID to copy to MAVinci desktop.

You will also require a token. Click your profile icon again, then Account

Click Tokens near the top of the screen.

The defulat public token should be fine, but it is also possible to create your own.

Entering the Mapbox details into MAVinci Desktop

Launch MAVinci Desktop.

Note: This process appears to only be reliable in MAVinci Desktop version 6.0. If you have other versions already installed, there is no need to delete/remove them. Simply install version 6.0 alongside your exisiting installation.

From the main welcome window, select the Map layer manager.

In the lower window, right-click on the wms menu, and from the pop-up menu, select Import Mapbox Layer.

Copy and paste the Mapbox ID from your Mapbox account.

This is the ID for your tileset and is typically found at the following location:

or your custom URL if you published a new tileset.

Click OK.

Copy and paste the access token from your Mapbox account.

Click OK.

Enter a name for your new layer. This can be any name, such as 1234, Topcon, or Mymaps.

Click OK to complete the process.

The new map layer will be added to the list.

The image shows the default map quality with no WMS option turned on.

Turn on your new map layer by checking the Mapbox: New Mapbox Layer box to the left.

The mapbox stream will start, and map quality will improve.

This is only for satellite views. The terrain model is not included.