[WEBINAR] ProSeries: MAGNET Collage Web mass data processing and sharing with ease

In this online session, you will learn three simple yet significant functions of MAGNET Collage Web service: quick publish of drone imagery and point cloud data to the web, instant sharing of third party point cloud data with external users, and time-saving collaboration options from any MAGNET Collage project.

Plus, some helpful pro tips along the way.

Total Duration: 25:47


[WEBINAR] ProSeries: MAGNET Collage Web mass data processing and sharing with ease

In this online session, you will learn three simple yet significant functions of MAGNET Collage Web service: quick publish of drone imagery and point cloud data to the web, instant sharing of third party point cloud data with external users, and time-saving collaboration options from any MAGNET Collage project.

Plus, some helpful pro tips along the way.

Total Duration: 25:47