Important COVID-19 Operations Information for Our OEM Customers and Partners

March 26, 2020


Topcon Positioning Systems is headquartered in Alameda County (Livermore), California, USA and has offices and resellers globally. Topcon is primarily engaged in the business of developing, manufacturing and distributing construction, geopositioning, survey and precision agriculture equipment and solutions. Further, Topcon is an essential supplier to equipment manufacturers in these critical areas of commerce around the world.  

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, many state and local governments in the United States have issued orders restricting businesses operations; always subject to exemptions for essential businesses.  In defining essential businesses, the state authorities usually rely on a U.S. federal government list of 16 critical infrastructure sectors whose assets, systems, and networks are considered so vital to the U.S. that their incapacitation or destruction would have a debilitating effect on security, economic security public health or safety ( These sectors include Critical Manufacturing, Food and Agriculture, Transportation and Energy. 

Topcon and its suppliers and customers operate in these critical infrastructure sectors and thus, are entitled to continue operations under most state and local orders. In some cases, OEM customers are advising that, as a member of the critical infrastructure supply chain, Topcon is expected to continue to supply them.

Of course, Topcon operates with a primary goal of the health and safety of its employees, customers and suppliers and in accordance with applicable state and local orders, including social distancing requirements. To this end, we provide on-going guidance from the World Health Organization (WHO) and Center for Disease Control (CDC) to our employees to support their health in these critical times. 

Topcon suppliers and customers should review and comply with applicable governmental orders concerning their ability to continue to operate, with the understanding of Topcon’s role as part of the critical infrastructure supply chain.

We are dedicated to supporting our customers at this critical time and with our exemption in place, Topcon is able to have specific teams working to meet your needs to the best of our ability. Please contact Topcon Operations or your Business Development Representative with any questions or special requests you may have. 

Our relationships with our customers and partners are important to us. Topcon strives to work closely together with our partners to protect the industries we serve and accelerate the economic recovery needed in light of the current world crisis. Together we can serve as a beacon of cooperation and commitment to successfully weather these unusual times.  


Jamie Williamson
Executive Vice President & Group General Manager

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