MAGNET Project: How to create an intersection [VIDEO]

Intersections are haul routes between one road line/area location to another. Adding an intersection can optimize routes for any earthwork project.

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MAGNET Project: How to create an intersection [VIDEO]

Creating a new intersection

Create a new intersection in Mass Haul View by right-clicking on Locations in the Project Explorer panel on the right. A new intersection can also be inserted by navigating to Insert > Intersection.

Intersection properties can be defined by the following:

  • Edit name.
  • Set from location and/or to location.
  • Define whether the intersection allows two-way traffic.
  • Length is the distance that is added to hauls that use this intersection.
  • Set the intersection to be visible in Map View.

Intersections are visible in the top panel according to location in Mass Haul View. Location colors and data are shown in the intersection rectangle (see image).