MAGNET Project: Importing a WMS map [VIDEO]

Steps for importing a WMS map into MAGNET Project.

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MAGNET Project: Importing a WMS map [VIDEO]

WMS map

WMS (Web Map Service) is a geospatial and location-based service for serving up map images over HTTP.

The OpenGIS® Web Map Service Interface Standard (WMS) provides a simple HTTP interface for requesting georegistered map images from one or more distributed geospatial databases. A WMS request defines the geographic layer(s) and area of interest to be processed. The outcome of the request is one or more georegistered map images (returned as *.jpeg, *.png, etc).

Steps for importing a WMS map into your project

  1. Navigate to Insert > WMS map in the Locations group.
  2. The WMS map Properties dialog box opens. Add the WMS map source URL, and click Connect.
  3. Select the needed map layers from the Available column and move them using the arrow buttons to the Selected column on the right.
  4. Define the map Version (if not using default).
  5. Select the Format (if not default *.jpg/*.png).
  6. Add the regional EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset, and click OK to start the import.
  7. Navigate to Home > Map view to view the map.
    • In case of red error message, review spelling in the URL, version, format, or EPSG, and reselect all layers, and try the import again.

Zoom in and out of the map using the tools in the View tab or by using CTRL+mouse wheel.