MAGNET Project: Hauls by source [VIDEO]

This quick video will demonstrate how to view and export source data using the Report tool in MAGNET Project.

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MAGNET Project: Hauls by source [VIDEO]

In MAGNET Project, further data analyzing or itemizing of quantity items, bulking factors, possible haul routes, suitabilities, and production rates is possible with the Report tool.

Reports provide detailed information of haul calculations of the project at hand and are useful when you need to review or improve optimal transmitted and received quantity calculations from a mass haul planning project.

Reports can be created in MAGNET Project for a quick review of project items, and then you can return to the project to reoptimize calculations after reviewing report results. Reports can also be exported into Microsoft Excel (*.xlxs) format, saved, and used elsewhere if needed.

Use default report templates from the Report tab, or create a new one to enable filtering results as needed.