MAGNET Project: How to define resource types and production rates [VIDEO]

This video shows how to define resource types and production rates in MAGNET Project.

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MAGNET Project: How to define resource types and production rates [VIDEO]

Production rate is the pace at which units of a product are manufactured within a scheduled time frame. In mass haul plan, cuts and fills are required to be scheduled simultaneously or overlapped at similar production rates and without usage breaks in between.

This video shows you how to customize resource types and production rates to your project's needs and where to find the settings.

The tutorial is made with the MAGNET default template, starting with adding tasks and customizing task settings. Adding resource types, resources, and production units determines the optimal use of task-related machinery for each task. Adding resource options links the task to the desired mass transfer machinery.

The video also explores where it is possible to determine pricing for mass transfer resource type, resource type capacity, and material capacity utilization. Finally, the video explains how the production rates and the addition of resource types can be viewed in the MAGNET Project mass haul and Gantt views.