MAGNET Project: How to draw a road line, area location, and intersection in Map view [VIDEO]

To enhance project design and planning, road lines, intersections, or location areas can be drawn in Map view in MAGNET Project.

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MAGNET Project: How to draw a road line, area location, and intersection in Map view [VIDEO]

After importing a background map, road lines and area locations (polygons) can be drawn on the map using the Location button from the Insert tab.

Drawing a road line

  1. Draw the road line starting from a low station, going toward increasing stations.
  2. Double-click to stop drawing.
  3. Attach the road line to the project (either create a new location or link to the existing location).

Road line stations are calculated automatically based on map coordinates.

Station numbers can be edited after drawing in the prompt or later in the Properties window.

Creating an area location (e.g., disposal area, borrow pit, or crushing plant)

Area locations are drawn on the map as polygons.

  1. Click on the corners of the area to create a shape.
  2. End area drawing by double-clicking the start point of the drawing.
  3. Edit the location name in the Properties window on the right or double-click on the area to edit properties.

Creating an intersection

Intersections are road connections between two locations. Intersections can be drawn in Map view.

  1. Navigate to Insert > Intersection.
  2. Draw the intersection connection between two locations by right-clicking a location and then right-clicking the destination location (e.g., road line).

Intersection properties can be edited in the Properties window on the right.

Double-clicking on the intersection line will also show the Properties window.