After an account has been created, the account owner—also known as the account Admin—may choose to add other users. There are two levels of access that the Admin may grant to new users within their organization:
- Member: A user who may view information within an organization but is generally unable to make changes to an organization.
- Admin: A user who can make any change to the account, including adding new members, deleting members, or changing member roles.
Navigating to your organization
From myTopcon or, log in, and click the name that appears in the upper right corner of the web page. A drop-down menu will appear. Click View Organization.

You will be taken to the Manage Organization page.
From here, you can
- Edit the name and description of your organization.
- Invite new members to the organization.
- Edit the individual details of a member (change member role, name, etc.).
- Delete a member from the organization.

Inviting new members
Inviting a new member to the organization is beneficial in that
- The invited member becomes part of the established organization and is bestowed all the same rights as others with the same role.
- If the invited member already belongs to an existing organization, they will now be part of both. A member may enjoy membership in multiple organizations.
To invite a new user, click Add New Members.
You will be taken to the invitation form. Supply the new user’s email address, and assign their role. Remember that in their respective roles,
- Members can view but not change information within an organization.
- Admins can make any change to the organization, up to and including inviting and deleting members.
A confirmation email will be sent. Once received, the user must click the link within the email to confirm their account.

Switching among multiple teams
If a user belongs to multiple organizations, they can easily switch among them from either myTopcon or
To do this, after logging in, click on the name in the upper right corner of the web page. If multiple organizations are present, they will be shown in blue. Click any of the organization names to switch from one org set to another. Switching organizations here will allow the user to access those orgs within other subscription services.
For example, if this user wanted to access the projects within the Robert’s Land Surveys MAGNET Enterprise group, they could click Robert’s Land Surveys, and navigate to the MAGNET Enterprise app to view the projects within that app.
Or, if this individual needed to access Sitelink data for Topcon Professional Services, they could click Topcon Professional Services, and navigate to Sitelink to access that group’s data.
Note: Whatever organization is chosen here will be selected by default upon the next login. To remain within your default organization, be sure to select it before logging out.