MAGNET Project: Importing a PDF map [VIDEO]

Overview of how to import a PDF map into MAGNET Project.

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MAGNET Project: Importing a PDF map [VIDEO]


Background maps are used to visualize existing locations and project planning progress.

A PDF can be placed on top of a map or used as part of the project progress. Background maps are loaded from PDF (Portable Document Format) files.

Steps for importing a PDF map

  1. The background map will be imported into the project as an image. Go to Home > Map view. Then go to Insert > Image in the Graphics group.
  2. Select the background map from the appropriate file folder, and click Open. Supported image import formats are *.pdf, *.bmp, *.jpg, and *.png.
  3. The Properties dialog window will open. The selected map can be positioned correctly using two known coordinate points with a blue marker and a red marker. Zoom in/out for the right coordinate points using the zoom tools from the top panel or using CTRL+mouse wheel. Once the points have been marked, enter the marker coordinates into the coordinate fields, and import the map by clicking OK.  
  4. Navigate the map using the zoom tools from the View tab or using CTRL+mouse wheel.