HiPer VR: Updating the modem firmware using TRU [VIDEO]

This video shows the steps for updating the modem firmware on the HiPer VR.

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HiPer VR: Updating the modem firmware using TRU [VIDEO]

Before you begin, make sure you have the following:

  • Micro USB cable. If you are missing this cable, request PN: 1013602-01.
  • USB driver installed. If you are missing these files, they are available at the end of this article.
  • TRU version 3.4.1 or newer. Older versions of software do not support new hardware.
  • Fully charged HiPer VR or HiPer VR plugged into a power source.

Connect the HiPer VR to the PC using the Micro USB cable. Do not use the serial cable or the Bluetooth connection for firmware updates, as this will be less stable and take longer!