Delta Watch software provides a modular solution to monitor, manage and evaluate automatic and/or manual monitoring data as well as optionally trigger alarms. Data from robotic total stations, GNSS receivers, leveling devices, and a variety of geotechnical and structural sensors can be processed and analyzed individually or as a network-adjusted solution.

As standalone software, Delta Watch delivers accurate and reliable data in a variety of reporting formats to best fit a project's needs. Alternatively, Delta Watch can feed processed data to third-party visualization software to provide system integration capability in large monitoring projects.

Network adjustments are carried out using modern and robust least-squares techniques with all results available for analysis within Delta Watch.

Features & Benefits

  • Core software performs computations, alerts and customized reports
  • Observe, assess, and better understand and manage risk
  • Modular offering to grow with you as your projects evolve
  • Notifications are sent when measurements exceed thresholds

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