MAGNET Project: Quick guides

All quick guides and tutorial videos for MAGNET Project can be found at the bottom of the article.

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MAGNET Project: Quick guides

MAGNET Project is a tool for mass optimization, scheduled mass haul planning, visual project planning, and production follow-up. All product instructions related to mass haul calculation for earthworks and location-based scheduling have been linked below as Related Articles.

Tutorials will guide you through the process of mass haul planning from importing a bill of quantities or using MAGNET Office for transferring quantities to mass haul calculation, viewing reports, and creating disposal areas or borrow pits to process surplus materials or material deficits. You can also learn more about managing project schedules with tasks in Gantt view and Time-location view. Schedules can also be printed out or exported to Microsoft Project. Video tutorials will also show how to import a map in PDF format or using WMS server and how to draw a road line, intersection, and different area locations on a map.

View all quick guides and training videos for MAGNET Project by browsing below.