
Teach using the latest technologies

Educational discounts for positioning systems

Prepare your students for a future in position measurement

Using a sophisticated position-measurement system requires a lot more skill and equipment than “locating” yourself using a smartphone. Each educational package incorporates our top-of-the-range GNSS and optical-positioning products and software.

This program is not price-driven. Instead, it represents our commitment to giving students and graduates a head start. The program also helps colleges and universities that find it difficult to pay full price for today’s high-end surveying equipment.

Learning experience
Learning experience

Our educational program offers schools and universities the latest technology, software, cloud management, and workflows, all at discount prices. Our goal is to give educational institutions a systematic way to enhance their position-measurement curriculum and stay up-to-date on the technology.

Educate with the latest technologies
Educate with the latest technologies

Our program gives students a chance to gain experience using state-of-the-art professional equipment. The opportunity to use today’s tools will differentiate your course offerings and help your students jump-start their careers.

Learning options
Learning options

We offer innovative packages and in-depth training to make it convenient and easy for educators and students to access the information.

Our solutions are an excellent fit for our educational partners, with accurate hardware and easy-to-use software.

Insights & Testimonials

Grand Paris: Building under the city


Five FAQs about MAGNET Field


Topcon sponsored team excels at the XL

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