Feed Management

Precision measurements to manage costs and boost production

Simple feed mixer load monitoring to logging and automatic data exchange, seamlessly connected to software designed by real farmers.

TAP into connected feed management

Managing feed can be messy. Farmers need a streamlined approach to connect load mixers with management software from loading and tracking to logging and optimization.

TAP FEED is the latest evolution fusing these key workflows. Tied directly to the mixer, the solution significantly improves efficiency while offering relevant management features in an intuitive, industry-leading interface.

Precision feed loading

Our modular load cell-based solution works with all feed mixers. Start with basic monitoring and logging utilizing Topcon indicators or our stand-alone FEED app.

Easily transition into TAP FEED, our feed management software, through direct integration with the feed mixer.

Payback in controlling significant costs

Reduce inputs

This technology reduces farming’s most significant inputs – fuel, applications and time. Since feed represents approximately 50% of farmers’ operating costs, it’s essential to manage.

Increase production

Our easy-to-use tools capture, visualize and increase production. You can’t manage and improve what you don’t measure.

Universal Weighing (Cab Control App)
Universal Weighing (Cab Control App)

Universal load monitoring tied to Bluetooth Digi-Star devices.

Feed Mixer Weighing
Feed Mixer Weighing

Our field-proven feed mixer weighing solutions are built upon Digi-Star legacy technology and provide a. range of options: universal load cells, rugged indicators, and handheld apps, with connectivity and automatic data/plan exchange between feed management software.
Feed Management Software (TAP FEED)
Feed Management Software (TAP FEED)

This fused Topcon innovation with Digi-Star legacy brings you modern, intuitive and connected feed management software tied directly to the mixer. Streamline workflow efficiency through direct data exchange and easily manage associated tasks and reports for optimization.

Insights & Testimonials

Embracing precision agriculture means reduced costs and more family-time

In the Irish village of Glenbrien, farmer Don Somers grows winter and spring cereals....

Isharno Farms, the right tool for every purpose!

With arable farming, dairy farming, a biogas plant and a contracting business, Isarnho...

Topcon introduces Inbound Tracker feed delivery management solution to...


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