Innovation and Transformation: Topcon’s week at INTERGEO 2019

Ian Stilgoe, vice president GeoPositioning Europe, Topcon Positioning Group, rounds-up the Topcon news from INTERGEO 2019

We’ve had a very successful week at INTERGEO 2019 in Suttgart, Germany. This international show for geo solutions has provided a great stage for us to meet customers, existing and new, and showcase the latest workflow solutions from Topcon.

Our focuses have centred on how technology can improve accuracy and efficiency in the construction of buildings, which also enables safer, stronger, and longer-lasting structures for populations around the world.

With our ever-expanding cities and increasing population, the need for vertical building construction continues to escalate. We must constantly pursue new technologies that accelerate the construction process and deliver never-before-seen productivity gains. Building quickly is important, but it is also key to build correctly and to avoid costly rework.

We’ve had a busy week introducing many new customers and parters to our construction verification and digital layout solutions. These offer contractors newly available capabilities to capture reality and analyze directly on site to ensure and document that the project is being built according to the BIM model with dimensional accuracy.

We have also put solutions for Europe’s ageing infrastructure in the spotlight. Inspection, assessment and monitoring (IAM) is a crucial cycle to ensure the integrity of building assets. The Topcon IAM solutions we’ve shown at INTERGEO can help to keep assets in operation, providing intuitive tools for site engineers to perform inspection and if any concerns are detected, a monitoring program can be implemented. The integrated approach ensures maximum performance of the infrastructure assets in a safe environment for operators and the public

Integrated into these innovative workflows are our latest innovations – from the LN-150 advanced layout tool and MAGNET Vision heads-up display making layout more efficient and safe, to TSshield 3.0 enabling remote access and better control and management of total stations.

We’re always one step ahead innovating to meet the needs of the industry, and we’re delighted we’ve been able to spend this week with colleagues from across the infrastructure and construction sectors to see what more we can do to address the challenges ahead.

For more news from our time at INTERGEO 2019, visit our news page:

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